
Montessori - What is it?

The Montessori method, created by Italian doctor Maria Montessori, encourages children to learn on their own through exploration rather than direct teaching. It emphasizes the importance of giving children access to the right resources and education from an early age. This approach is widely recognized for effectively supporting children's development.

What is Montessori?


What are Montessori toys?

A Montessori toy is designed according to the principles of the Montessori educational method by Dr. Maria Montessori, support the development of a child’s skills through self-directed, hands-on learning and exploration.

Montessori Toys

FAQ for Montessori toys

Why are Montessori toys wooden?

Montessori toys are not necessarily wooden, even tough wood is our personal preference. Organic materials, such as our carefully selected woods, are safe and harmless since they contain no dangerous substances. Additionally, they are much more durable than ordinary plastic toys.

Are Montessori toys better?

Absolutely! Combining the Montessori approach with the most recent studies on child psychology has resulted in significantly more advanced and inventive toys than any other everyday toy.

How to organize toys Montessori way?

Toys should be placed within the child's reaching distance. Occasionally, you should disrupt this order to stimulate your child to put them back where they belong. This will slowly but surely instill a sense of order into your child's mind.

What are some must-have Montessori toys?

Montessori classics include the Puzzles,Story Book,Circus Board, etc.

What makes a toy Montessori?

A Montessori-aligned toy can be any toy that allows a child to practice everyday life skills. It also needs to encourage independence and self-sufficiency.

Why are Montessori toys so expensive?

The price of Montessori toys is dictated by the cost of the high-quality materials they are made of. While we try to make our toys as accessible as possible, we would never compromise on quality in order to make them cheaper.

Why Montessori toys?

Because Montessori toys nurture playing with purpose.

Are Montessori toys worth it?

Of course! Think of it as an investment in your child's future rather than an unnecessary expense. Many of the world's most successful people have partaken in Montessori education. Some of them are:

Larry Page and Sergey Brin, co-founders of Google

Jeff Bezos, founder of Amazon

Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy Onassis, former first lady (John F. Kennedy)

About Kinderic Toys

Kinderic Toys Team gathers around the shared belief of a group of parents, aunts, and uncles that they can make a real difference in the lives of the children they love. That’s us!

We noticed a pattern we didn’t like: even the newest, shiniest toys were often left untouched, while screens and devices took too much of the children's attention. 

Inspired by Maria Montessori's philosophy, we took her child-centered approach that emphasizes hands-on, active learning and practical life skills and adapted it to fit today's world.

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